
(WaraWara Debug)

Mii667 is a Mii from the Wii U.

Mii667 is an unused Mii found in the WaraWara Debug. When the Wii U originally shipped with system version 1.0.0, Nintendo accidentally left in old unused WaraWara Plaza files in a folder labeled "Debug". These were removed in the following system update. Many are in completely different formats than the one used by the final version of the WaraWara Plaza, but it's possible to still extract data from all of them. He, along with another 28 Miis, can be found in a file inside the Wii U NAND named follow_post.xml, with his Mii data file encoded in base64.

As with all WaraWara Debug Miis, he was originally made on a Wii U/Switch (4), his creator name is no name, has Copying turned on, Sharing turned on, the MAC is A4-C0-E1-F8-1B-FF, and unlike the WaraWara Plaza Miis is a valid Mii that can be saved to the Mii Maker. His Mii name is Mii667 and his Mii ID is D0-00-02-9B. While it may seem possible to calculate a creation date from this, the time/date portion of the Mii ID is the number 667 in HEX, and since the Mii name has the same number, it's likely this is just used as a way to number the Mii rather than a proper time and date. His height is set to 37 and his build is set to 29. While he does have unused nickname data, it is just junk data that can not be turned into any readable letters.

His Mii data file contains unused data. Specifically, his facial hair color is set to the 5th option.


WaraWara Plaza Miis have many different official texts for different official languages. However, as all WaraWara Debug Miis were simply meant to be used for testing, no localization was ever done for them. So, at most, only two entries will be listed - the original text and the text translated into English, should that be necessary.

In the follow_post file, Mii667 will speak with an excited expression and says text. His post has 99,999,999 replies.

Original text:


English translation:

1 + 1 = 2

While many of the follow_post Miis state "1+1=" followed by another number increasing from 1, Mii667 is the only Mii to actually state the correct form of this math problem, as 1+1 does indeed equal 2. No other Mii in the follow_post is able to get this correct.

Image appearances

Mii667 does not appear in any promo art.

Mii Studio code

This is Mii667 (WaraWara Debug)'s Mii Studio code:


You can download Mii667's Wii U/3DS-format Mii data file here.